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The Car as a Platform

How technology-based services are transforming the way we build, sell and drive cars

Driving into the Future 

The automotive industry is in a state of flux. Advances in technology are changing the way vehicles are developed, produced, marketed and sold, with consumer expectations rising accordingly. While cars still play the traditional role of getting customers from A to B, they are transforming into sophisticated digital products where the software is as important as the hardware.

Read our new e-book, created in partnership with AI Business, to:

  • Learn the importance of AI in car manufacturing, in-car sensing (ICS), car sales, brand identity—and enabling car manufacturers to sell across borders.
  • Explore the impact of electric vehicles, autonomous driving and the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Get expert insights from tech-forward automotive businesses including BMW, Vertu Motors, Affectiva and more.
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