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Translation Services and International Women’s Day:

How the translation industry helps #EmbraceEquity

“Being in the translation space, we have the opportunity to share our own narratives and learn from each other. We don’t need a special day to celebrate women everywhere; we do it every day. I continue to find women at every stage of my career who mentor, guide, and support each other.” 

- Summaya Aziz, Lionbridge Strategic Account Director

International Women’s Day, celebrated worldwide on March 8th, has been observed in some form since the early 1900s. This United Nations-promoted holiday is observed in a myriad of ways worldwide, varying based on local culture and state of gender equity. Every year, the UN declares a theme for the holiday. This year’s theme is “embrace equity.” The holiday is yearly, but Lionbridge doesn’t stop there. As a language service provider, we work year-round to promote equity and honor the spirit of International Women’s Day. We harness the power of communication to break down barriers and improve access for marginalized groups everywhere. In celebration of this vital holiday, learn about three ways Lionbridge’s localization and translation services help boost equity for people all over the world every day. 

“Women like me want to have it all – exciting careers, time for family and friends, investment in personal and professional growth, and more. My mentors have taught me to set and communicate clear boundaries, to harness from my fears, help me build emotional empathy, and to be an advocate for others.”

- Lasha Choudhary, Lionbridge Solution Architect

Embracing Equity via AI and Machine Translation

Today, many businesses and organizations are strengthening their content and communications for language to embrace equity. As a language service provider, Lionbridge is helping with that mission. We’re ensuring content across many industries embraces and celebrates diversity of gender, race, religion, nationality, etc. Lionbridge uses machine translation and AI technologies to help “clean up” language during content translation. Our tools can ensure text doesn’t unintentionally carry racist, homophobic, misogynistic, or other intolerant implications. Lionbridge’s tools have been programmed, and continue “learning,” how to identify offensive or non-inclusive language. We aren’t just using generative AI and machine translation to translate existing text into more inclusive language. We’re also helping content creators learn about and avoid potential trouble spots as they create new text. Lionbridge’s SmartTM Content solution flags offensive terms, non-inclusive terminology, and gender bias. The technology helps remove problematic language and create welcoming copy in every language. With our translation services, clients across all industries clear out old non-inclusive content and pave the way for new, more equitable language in all formats (websites, social media, print advertising, internal communications, etc.).

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Embracing Equity via Life Science Translation Services

One of the four key factors the UN uses to track gender parity is health and survival rates. We’re honoring the spirit of International Women’s Day every day of the year by promoting equal access to clinical trials and research. This work is vital to improve health and survival for people of all genders, races, classes, religions, etc. With life science translation services, clinical trials can recruit, retain, and better serve more diverse populations. The data from these trials will also be more widely trusted and respected by different groups. In some cases, translation helps clinical researchers reach populations affected more frequently by certain conditions. Here are three ways Lionbridge’s life sciences translations serve women and other marginalized groups: 

  • Translated and localized patient communications, lay summaries, etc., facilitate higher and better participation in clinical research and improve health literacy. 
  • Translated product labeling for approved medications and medical devices helps patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers make their best choices for treatment options. 
  • Translated documents for post-market surveillance processes aid patients, doctors, and drug and device developers in collaborating to check that a treatment works optimally for patients. 

“I’ve stayed in the Localization industry for more than 25 years because it’s a place where I see global changes firsthand. I see them in clients’ products, the popularity of main language pairs, new technology, and worldwide events (including changing economies, COVID-19, or war). It’s fun and fascinating to experience all these revolutions in my daily work.”

- Patricia Hsiao, Lionbridge Senior Director of Operations in Asia

Life sciences translation has helped improve equity in health and survival rates for decades. Now, governments are also requiring it. In recent years, clinical research regulations (especially in the European Union) are calling for the creation of transparent, easily understood communications for patients and the public. (For example, plain language summary requirements.) These regulations improve equal access to important health information for many different groups. Lionbridge helps pharmaceutical companies and clinical trial sponsors meet these requirements and promote health equality. We translate, localize, and render materials in plain language, making them more accessible to a wider variety of people. 

Embracing Equity With Marketing Translation

Fortunately, many companies are feeling pressure to embrace equity every day, not just on International Women’s Day. Nonprofits and businesses are now expected to create everyday marketing materials that celebrate diversity and equality — and Lionbridge is helping them achieve this goal. This pressure is due to a few factors. Firstly, Millennials and Generation Z, the future of consumers, are some of the most diverse generations the world has ever seen. Additionally, recent social justice movements have made corporate responsibility more than a nice-to-have. It’s a best practice for businesses that want the respect of consumers and higher revenue. Marketing translation services and localization services are essential to helping businesses reach a more diverse customer base. These services also help companies review their marketing materials for intolerant language or ideas, especially across cultures. 


“Language is fundamental to what makes us human. In my experience, the localization industry creates this beautiful “pull” because we embrace the culture and personal elements of this world we share. This industry embraces all people, for the very simple reason that we are all people.” 

- Susan Morgan, Lionbridge Director of Enterprise Sales in Americas

Beyond buyers and revenue, Lionbridge also helps companies create and execute a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture. We assist with translating and optimizing public-facing and internal communications for embracing equity. Employee handbooks, company-wide memos, website career pages, and employee newsletters can all be translated, localized, and edited to be free of intolerant language. These services help employers attract and retain the best talent. Today’s workers want to join companies that embrace equity fundamentally. They also speak many languages and live all over the world in many cultures. To build a team that helps them meet big business goals, companies need translation services for their external and internal communications. 

Language providers like Lionbridge can help with these goals by creating language style guides. These documents will help a company redefine its strategy to embrace equity, in old materials and new. (The guides also safeguard the brand voice, so it’s consistent and recognizable, an added benefit.)

Get in Touch  

At Lionbridge, we prioritize supporting women and gender equity on International Women’s Day – and every day of the year.  

Among our many leadership initiatives, we have two programs specifically dedicated to supporting women:

ReacHIRE: We’ve worked with this U.S. nonprofit for almost five years to hire and support diverse professionals. The program specifically helps us hire women reentering the workforce after time away. 

iWill: This organization is for Lionbridge women based in India. It offers mentoring, support, and workshops on topics like financial independence, work-life balance, etc.  

Women@Lionbridge: This initiative empowers women to help other women. It aims to engage and retain female talent at the company and provide women with continuous learning opportunities. The group holds a monthly meeting and helps facilitate mentorships.

“At Lionbridge, we ensure that women who work for us have access to key leadership roles and are similarly engaged as their male counterparts. We track women’s engagement as compared to other groups throughout the year. As a result of our efforts, women report similarly high scores as men around all topics of engagement. This includes their sense of belonging, development, and career opportunities. They believe their opinions really matter here. Women are in the C-Suite and key strategic positions across Lionbridge, all driving our success.”

- Ann Lazarus-Barnes, Lionbridge Chief People Officer

Learn more about how Lionbridge celebrates and uplifts women all year in last year’s blog post. Interesting in joining us? Check our careers page.

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