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The Business of Platforms [VIDEO PODCAST]

An interview with Lionbridge CMO Jaime Punishill

For more than 20 years, Lionbridge has helped some of the most notable brands in the world reach more markets, more effectively, more quickly.

In the early days of Lionbridge, we thought of ourselves mainly as a language services provider. But for years, we've been much more than that.

“If you look at us as a globalization platform for your company and you work with us for more than one piece, there’s no loss," says Lionbridge CMO Jaime Punishill on this recent video podcast, The Business of Platforms, with Vivaldi_ Group. "There’s no data loss, there’s no friction as you go from listening to the universe in multiple languages to translating that into strategy in multiple languages, to creating creative or content, to communicating, to developing a product, to interacting. The more you work with us, the more value you actually get.”

Interested in learning more about Lionbridge, the platform we've built, and platform businesses more generally? Watch this fascinating video below.

Recasting Your Business Lens, with Jaime Punishill from Vivaldi on Vimeo.
08: Recasting Your Business Lens, with Jaime Punishill from Vivaldi on Vimeo.

This video podcast was originally published by Vivaldi_ Group and is republished here with permission. Thank you to Vivaldi_ and to host Agathe Blanchon-Ehrsam for including Lionbridge on the show.

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