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Meet the Pride: Anna Mackiewicz

Global Talent Development Manager


Anna Mackiewicz

Hometown/Lionbridge Office:

Warsaw, Poland

Job Title:

Global Talent Development Manager

  • #blog_posts

How long have you been at Lionbridge?

I joined Lionbridge more than 2 years ago. First, I managed learning programs and tools for Lionbridge employees in Warsaw. Since April 2019, I’ve moved to a global role to develop learning experiences in all offices.

What does a typical work day look like for you?

I usually start at 10 with a cup of coffee and check my mailbox and The Bridge for fresh news. Often I write down in the morning the most important things to do during the day. Now, working globally, more of my day is filled with virtual meetings than meetings in person.

What is your favorite place in your office?

I like our spacious and bright kitchen a lot. It’s a great place for a break and less formal work discussions.

What is the best part of your job?

Working in such an international environment with experts from different countries. It’s great to exchange ideas and build together a learning culture.

What is the most exciting opportunity on the horizon for your team this year?

To offer more global learning activities for employees from different sites.

Fill in the blanks:

I speak ___ languages.

3! Polish, English and French.

My favorite local saying is _____ and it means ____.

Co dwie głowy, to nie jedna," or "Two heads are better than one”.  Basically, two people can often solve a problem better than just one person on their own.

 A tourist visiting my city shouldn’t miss…

The “Powiśle” district – having a walk on the river side full of restaurants and bars and going on the roof of the Warsaw University Library with a great view.

My coworkers would say my weirdest habit is…

Eating at least a small dessert after lunch each day

Outside of work, I always make time for…

Time with my family and friends and some sport activities (I love to spend time outdoors – biking, hiking or walking around different cities)

The best piece of career advice I’ve ever received is…

The im-portance of external and internal networking and mentoring – to build a better understanding, develop competences and get inspirations

My hidden talent is…

Designing (training) and playing (social) board games

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