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Taking Advantage of AI and Machine Intelligence [PODCAST]

An interview with Lionbridge CEO John Fennelly

With 2019 drawing ever nearer, it's a fitting time to assess the past and look ahead to the shifts and advances that will affect our industry in the coming months and years.

In this podcast with Aaron Strout of global communications agency W2O, Lionbridge CEO John Fennelly discusses the greatest challenges and the most exciting opportunities we face, both at Lionbridge and in the language service industry more generally. Unsurprisingly, the benefits of AI and machine translation are front-of-mind, as is our unwavering commitment to putting the customer first.

Take a listen and leave a comment to let us know how you think new technologies and systems will shape our industry in the not-so-distant future.

This podcast was originally published on W2O Group's What2Know podcast and is republished here with permission.

A podcast by W2Know

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