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Meet the Pride: Branislav Sulovsky

Project Management Group Manager in Warsaw, Poland

Meet Branislav Sulovsky

A dedicated lion since 2007, Branislav is our Project Management Group Manager in Warsaw, Poland.





What does a typical work day look like for you?

I start with coffee and Outlook, assess the importance of tasks, and then the round of meetings starts, with teams across the globe and internally.





What is the best part of your job?

Being able to work on new Lionbridge offerings with some bright minds in business.


five business people circled around a computer representing Lionbridge Branislav Sulovsky's passion for teamwork
The bright minds of business




Fill in the blanks:





I speak 5 languages:

Slovak, Czech, Polish, English, German





My favorite local saying is...

Nerob inym, co nechces aby ini robili Tebe


Meaning: Don’t do to others, what you don’t want done to you.




A tourist visiting my city shouldn’t miss…

Zilina and its surrounding Mala Fatra mountains.


Mountains reflecting on lake in Slovakia,, home country of Branislav Sulovsky Project Management Group Manager
Branislav's favorite view from Zilina, Slovakia




My coworkers would say my weirdest habit is...

I raise my hand like I’m in school if I want to say something in heated meeting discussions.





Outside of work, I always make time for...

Family, friends, film, and TV shows.





The best piece of career advice I've ever received is...

Choose your battles…





My hidden talent is...

I am very good at taking afternoon power naps (not at work though.... so only during weekends).





Lionbridge makes me roar.


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