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AI Copilot tools, including GitHub Copilot, Microsoft Copilot, DeepCode, CodeWhisperer, and Codota, are built with powerful generative AI (GenAI) technology that can help people work more efficiently and effectively with a myriad of tasks. Based on the context of a project, the tools will suggest:
These tools are a promising development for eLearning and GenAI. GitHub Copilot and Microsoft Copilot are excellent choices for teaching coding. GitHub Copilot:
Microsoft Copilot is:
Of course, the AI copilot tool that eLearning experts select for when they implement and create eLearning content may also be impacted by budgetary restrictions, current eLearning platforms, number of required licenses, and other individual needs. This blog covers five ways to use AI Copilot, whichever version you choose, to assist with eLearning course design for coders.
AI Copilot helps course developers create interactive coding challenges. Developers can ensure their eLearning course material provides hands-on learning challenges via incomplete code snippets for students to finish. AI Copilot could offer learners:
Use AI Copilot for coding eLearning courses and learning modules focused on understanding coding principles necessary for programming, data science, and web development. AI Copilot will provide learners with:
To streamline the grading process, instructors can rely on AI Copilot to review and offer feedback for student coding projects. These tools can:
Use AI Copilot tools to build realistic, even complex, simulations for coding projects. This will help learners reinforce and practice their skills. The tool can:
AI Copilot can assess learners’ coding abilities, styles, and goals. Based on these assessments, the technology can then tailor content to the learner, including:
Need help with your eLearning coding initiatives? Trust Lionbridge’s comprehensive eLearning services and translation services. As your single eLearning provider, we can help your organization teach and train people across many languages and cultures. We have the experience and innovative tools to handle your end-to-end needs faster and seamlessly. We assist with instructional design, creation, translation, and localization.