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Interpretation Services and COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

Interpreters can ease language barriers in vaccine distribution

Real-Time Translation Services Tailored to Health Care

The greatest vaccine distribution in recent history is currently underway. As of this writing, over 98.2 million doses of the vaccine have been administered in the United States. But that’s a small number compared to the amount that will need to be administered to achieve herd immunity—health experts estimate that 70 to 85% of Americans will need to be vaccinated to achieve this goal.

Over 51 million Americans speak a language other than English at home, meaning that COVID-19 vaccine distribution cannot be a monolingual process. Learn how Lionbridge interpretation services and multilingual support for chat, text and email can ease language barriers in the vaccine distribution, ensuring that the process is fair, equitable and inclusive for all who need to be vaccinated.

View our infographic to learn:

  • How Lionbridge can support your language and interpretation needs at every step of the vaccine distribution process
  • How you can prepare to answer any question a patient may have about the COVID-19 vaccine, regardless of which language they speak
  • Which interpretation services best suit your multilingual needs
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