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Legal Document Translation Case Study

Assisting with an Antitrust Matter

Learn how Lionbridge assisted a major international legal giant in handling legal document translation for a complicated antitrust matter. This case study will cover how we used our legal translation solutions to help this well-established law firm represent a Japanese company in a complex Antitrust Department of Justice (DOJ) Second Request. We ensured the customer met DOJ requirements and formatted a massive content scale — over 600,000 documents, or over six billion words — from Japanese to English.

This project wasn’t just about volume, though. As with many regulated translation scenarios, the customer needed to meet tight deadlines. Lionbridge assembled a global team of experts to assist with this process. With people from Lionbridge offices worldwide, we could process this notably high volume of Multilingual ediscovery with a follow-the-sun model. Beyond our global team, Lionbridge also ensured quick turnaround times by translating documents via Machine Translation (MT). We also provided Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE) for some documents required for more official submissions later. With our global team and expert MT and MTPE services, we completed the entire project in six speedy months.

Lionbridge achieved several significant results with this project. Most notably, we helped the customer maintain a strong reputation with the DOJ. Due to the high quality of our work, the customer could submit all documents: translated accurately, formatted pristinely, submitted on time, and adhering to DOJ guidelines. This strict compliance was critical for a law firm that frequently represents clients in international, multilingual matters overseen by the government.

Our second key result was cementing our relationship with the customer. Knowing that Lionbridge is trustworthy in complex government-regulated matters, this customer can easily take on more clients with similar challenges. They can confidently rely on us for assistance with all their legal translation needs.

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  • #translation_localization
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Samantha Keefe and Abby Comacho

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