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Certiport’s AI Exam

An AI case study

Read our AI case study to discover how Lionbridge, an industry-leading generative AI language provider, helped Certiport, a noted exam and certification company, with an AI consulting project. We helped Certiport create its own AI certification exam, a first in the industry. This exam will help many groups hire and grow their own AI expertise, even if they’re starting with limited understanding of the topic. Schools, employers, and job seekers can use the exam and its preparation materials to guide their learning and acquisition of AI talent and expertise, thus becoming more competitive in today’s markets.

Due to a deep, 5-year partnership, the customer asked Lionbridge to provide a language specialist with AI expertise and experience. This expert helped advise Certiport’s group of exam creators as they developed their exam objectives and determined what would constitute passing or failing. Notably, Lionbridge contributed the only linguistics-focused AI knowledge on the exam’s advisory panel. Our advisor was also familiar with these key topics:

Lionbridge’s AI advisor leveraged AI strategy and his vast experience implementing responsible AI and AI-powered services. This specialist is a language manager who implements AI-powered language solutions daily. He:

  • Has taken many AI courses
  • Stays updated on advances in AI via newsletters, webinars, etc.
  • Has been using Machine Translation (MT) (an AI predecessor) for decades
  • Participated in thousands of projects using MT

Lionbridge was excited to assist Certiport in its unique initiative. It was an atypical project, as compared with our usual, language and content services-dominated work. Our AI expert attended and contributed to a series of in-depth meetings about the content, objectives, and passing criteria for the Certiport AI certification exam. 

Our deep expertise with generative AI solutions and AI trust made Lionbridge ideal consultants for this project — and others requiring AI advising. Read the case study to learn more.

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  • #ai
  • #generative-ai
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Samantha Keefe, Claude Frank, Group Manager - Language Excellence, and Isis Sykes, Account Manager

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