Additional Services
Building a Strategic Revenue Case for Local Market Entry
Data-based approaches for targeting investment in global content
Case Study: Multilingual Retail Marketing
New AI Content Creation Solutions for a Sports and Apparel Giant
What We Do Home
Generative AI
- AI Translation Services
- Content Remix
AI Training
- Aurora AI Studio™
Machine Translation
- MT Tracker
Instant Interpreter
Smart Onboarding
Translation Service Models
Content Services
- Technical Writing
- Training & eLearning
- Financial Reports
- Digital Marketing
- SEO & Content Optimization
Translation Services
- Video Localization
- Software Localization
- Website Localization
- Translation for Regulated Companies
- Interpretation
- Instant Interpreter
- Live Events
- Language Quality Services
Testing Services
- Functional QA & Testing
- Compatibility Testing
- Interoperability Testing
- Performance Testing
- Accessibility Testing
- UX/CX Testing
Industries Home
Life Sciences Translations
- Pharmaceutical Translations
- Clinical Trial Translations
- Regulatory Translations
- Post-Approval Translations
- Corporate Pharma Translations
- Medical Device Language Services
- Validation and Clinical
- Regulatory Translations
- Post-Authorization Translations
- Corporate Medical Device Translations
Banking & Finance
Consumer Packaged Goods
Industrial Manufacturing
Legal Services
Travel & Hospitality
- Blog Posts
- Case Studies
- Whitepapers
- Solution Briefs
- Infographics
- eBooks
- Videos
Lionbridge Knowledge Hubs
- Positive Patient Outcomes
- Modern Clinical Trial Solutions
- Patient Engagement
- AI Thought Leadership
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Toll-free: 877-277-3173 |
Waltham, MA |
890 Winter Street |
T: +1 781-434-6000 |
Boise, ID |
5777 N. Meeker Avenue Boise, ID 83713 |
New York, NY |
259 West 30th Street |
T: +1 877-213-3826 |
Brazil |
São Paulo |
Rua Verbo Divino 1547 |
Canada |
Moncton |
10 Dawson Street |
T: 506-859-5200 |
Canada |
Montréal |
7900-E |
Canada |
Ottawa |
130 Albert Street |
Costa Rica |
San José |
Plaza Roble, Edificio |
Mexico |
Mexico City |
Insurgentes Sur 1431 |
Mexico |
Mexico City |
Centenario 208 |
Toll-free: 877-277-3173 |
890 Winter Street |
T: +1 781-434-6000 |
5777 N. Meeker Avenue Boise, ID 83713 |
259 West 30th Street |
T: +1 877-213-3826 |
Brazil |
Rua Verbo Divino 1547 |
Canada |
10 Dawson Street |
T: 506-859-5200 |
Canada |
7900-E |
Canada |
130 Albert Street |
Costa Rica |
Plaza Roble, Edificio |
Mexico |
Insurgentes Sur 1431 |
Mexico |
Centenario 208 |
China |
Beijing |
Unit 1201, 12F |
T: +86 10 8518 6161 Sales: +86 13552028367 +86 13651645857 |
China |
Shanghai |
Room 07F, 7th Floor, Block C, |
T: +86 21 3397 3769 Sales: +86 18614076887 +86 13661916870 |
China |
Jinan |
B-4, Qilu Software Park |
T: +86 531 8317 6555 |
China |
Jinan |
601/801, Chengchuang Building |
China |
Hong Kong |
29/F-31/F, Gateway, Tower 5, |
T: +852 3180 9225 |
India |
Chennai |
5th Floor, Tower B, |
T: +91 44 6678 5000 |
India |
Mumbai |
Unit no 301, 3rd floor, |
T: +91 22 6756 7000 |
Japan |
Yokohama |
42FI Yokohama Landmark Tower |
T: +81 45 640 4250 |
Singapore |
Singapore |
1 Fullerton Road |
T: +65 6408 3824 |
South Korea |
Seoul |
7th Floor, Business Tower |
T: +82 2 737 8500 |
Taiwan |
Taipei |
15F, 508 Chung Hsiao East Road |
T: +886 2 2727 3288 |
Thailand |
Bangkok |
24th Floor |
T: +662 632 1530 |
China |
Unit 1201, 12F |
T: +86 10 8518 6161 Sales: +86 13552028367 +86 13651645857 |
China |
Room 07F, 7th Floor, Block C, |
T: +86 21 3397 3769 |
China |
B-4, Qilu Software Park |
T: +86 531 8317 6555 |
China |
601/801, Chengchuang Building |
China |
29/F-31/F, Gateway, Tower 5, |
T: +852 3180 9225 |
India |
5th Floor, Tower B, |
T: +91 44 6678 5000 |
India |
Unit no 301, 3rd floor, |
T: +91 22 6756 7000 |
Japan |
42FI Yokohama Landmark Tower |
T: +81 45 640 4250 |
Singapore |
1 Fullerton Road |
T: +65 6408 3824 |
South Korea |
7th Floor, Business Tower |
T: +82 2 737 8500 |
Taiwan |
15F, 508 Chung Hsiao East Road |
T: +886 2 2727 3288 |
Thailand |
24th Floor |
T: +662 632 1530 |
Toll-free: +442476826544 |
Belgium |
Brussels |
Louizalaan 65 Box 11 |
T: +32 2 58 84 148 |
Denmark |
Copenhagen |
Bredgade 6 |
T: +45 70 14 29 44 |
Finland |
Espoo |
Puolikkotie 8, |
T: +358 9 4270 5600 |
France |
Paris |
14 Rue Moreau, 75012 Paris |
T: +33 142 96 54 30 |
France |
Mougins |
E. Space Park Batiment D |
Germany |
Wuppertal |
Konsumstraße 45, |
T: +49 202 43047800 |
Ireland |
Dublin |
3 West Pier Business Campus |
T: +353 1 202 1200 |
Netherlands |
Amsterdam |
John M. Keynesplein 4-10, |
T: +31 20 708 3915 |
Poland |
Warsaw |
KBC - Konstruktorska Business Center |
Poland |
Warsaw |
Astrum |
Slovakia |
Zilina |
Hollého 9021/6 |
Spain |
Madrid |
Edificio Ofipinar |
T: +34 91 7913432 |
Spain |
Barcelona |
Lionbridge |
Sweden |
Gothenburg |
Odinsgatan 13 |
T: +46 31 303 26 50 |
Switzerland |
Zurich |
Lionbridge Switzerland AG |
T: +41 58 900 70 00 |
United Kingdom |
Bristol |
Town Square Office 3, |
Toll-free: +353 969 2800 |
Denmark |
Bredgade 6 |
T: +45 70 14 29 44 |
Finland |
Puolikkotie 8, |
T: +358 9 4270 5600 |
France |
14 Rue Moreau, 75012 Paris |
T: +33 142 96 54 30 |
France |
E. Space Park Batiment D |
Germany |
Konsumstraße 45, |
T: +49 202 43047800 |
Ireland |
3 West Pier Business Campus |
T: +353 1 202 1200 |
Netherlands |
John M. Keynesplein 4-10, |
T: +31 20 708 3915 |
Poland |
KBC - Konstruktorska Business Center |
Poland |
Astrum |
Slovakia |
Hollého 9021/6 |
Spain |
Edificio Ofipinar |
T: +34 91 7913432 |
Spain |
Lionbridge |
Sweden |
Odinsgatan 13 |
T: +46 31 303 26 50 |
Switzerland |
Lionbridge Switzerland AG |
T: +41 58 900 70 00 |
United Kingdom |
Town Square Office 3, |