ライオンブリッジの Language Cloud を活用して、御社の包括的なローカリゼーションとコンテンツ制作をサポート

Language Cloud™ Platform
Smart Content™
Smart MT™
Smart Data™

ライオンブリッジの誇りは社員です。20 年以上にわたって、企業が顧客の心に響くメッセージを発信できるよう支援しています。

トラスト センター



Featured Event

Multilingual Virtual Events

Hélène Pielmeier, Senior Analyst at CSA Research, will talk about the automated delivery of captions (for accessibility), and subtitles, dubbing, or interpreting (for language access). She’ll explain the process behind these offerings, their limitations, and their potential.


Coming Attractions

Don’t miss out on the next Lionbridge Webinar! 


AI for Contracts

Lionbridge will discuss its new go-to-market and product partnership with Gravity Stack (Reed Smith’s legal tech subsidiary). Gravity Stack developed Lionbridge’s new Relativity Translator app and the pair are working on a joint “AI for Contracts” offering.

Driving Global Market Expansion Growth with Scalable Multilingual Digital Experiences

Learn how organizations like yours are harnessing global content strategies, low-code platforms, & optimized localization enabling content owners to create, assemble, localize and publish more effective content faster than ever.

Successful Multilingual Content Transformation to Connect to Global Markets

In this session, Lionbridge’s CMO Jaime Punishill will demonstrate the importance of shifting the conversation away from localization and towards globalization.

Patient Centricity in Multinational Rare Disease Trials

Join Kimberley Groff and Bjorn Wester from Clincierge as well as Lionbridge’s Dan Herron to hear stories of how reliable language services can change a family’s experience of the clinical trial process. Learn about the various support services Clincierge offers and how it can improve patient retention and trial success.

Patient Centricity: The Key to Success in Global Rare Disease Trials

In this webinar, Clincierge will draw on their extensive experience directly supporting rare disease trial participants around the globe with travel and relocation logistics.

Catch up on demand

View our on-demand webinars, we have a large selection of life sciences, games, artificial intelligence and localization webinars below

Life Sciences


Patient Centricity: The Key to Success in Global Rare Disease Trials

In this webinar, Clincierge will draw on their extensive experience directly supporting rare disease trial participants around the globe with travel and relocation logistics.

Clinical Trial Execution in a Pandemic Age

In this webinar, Lionbridge will talk about the implications of Covid-19 on the current clinical trial landscape and offer perspectives on the value of multimedia, language and electronic data capture of clinical outcomes assessments.

Welcome to the time-crunch

How the new Clinical Trial Regulation impacts clinical trial timelines and processes in the EU.

How Author-It & Lionbridge reduced costs & increased efficiency for Philips Personal Health

Philips needed a language service provider that could integrate seamlessly with Author-it, thereby streamlining the translation process and creating efficiencies through increased automation and centralization. Lionbridge was that partner.



How to Optimize Game Quality and Improve Testing Efficiency

Games are becoming increasingly complex, which in turn is intensifying testing complexity. How do you know what kinds of testing are worthwhile and what are inefficient? How do you know whether you are doing the right things to optimize quality?

How To Create Testable Games

As a developer, you're really excited about getting that new, awesome feature into your game. But how do you make sure it is implemented correctly, and it doesn't break the game in different places?



Breaking Language Barriers: Leverage AI-Powered Technology to Elevate the OmniChannel Experience

Join this webinar to hear from Lionbridge’s GeoFluent experts about how the GeoFluent store application allows you to incorporate AI-powered language support in your existing ServiceNow workflow.

Complex Data Collection and Annotation: A Case Study

In this presentation, we will look at a real-life case study for a large-scale data collection and annotation project that involved mathematical formulas, diagrams, and handwritten text in multiple languages, including Chinese, Korean and Japanese.

Adapting Content Intelligence in the Wake of Covid-19

How can AI support an innovative SEO content strategy? Join us in conversation with Lionbridge’s Lisa Deignan to learn best practices in implementing MarketMuse for circumstances (e.g., Covid-19).

Efficient Data Labeling for AI Webinar

Data is the power behind Machine Learning algorithms. In an era where data is ever more abundant, the applications of Machine Learning also are growing exponentially.

Core Loc


Driving Global Market Expansion Growth with Scalable Multilingual Digital Experiences

Learn how organizations like yours are harnessing global content strategies, low-code platforms, & optimized localization enabling content owners to create, assemble, localize and publish more effective content faster than ever.

Successful Multilingual Content Transformation to Connect to Global Markets

In this session, Lionbridge’s CMO Jaime Punishill will demonstrate the importance of shifting the conversation away from localization and towards globalization.

Customer Experience Management Solutions

Join this live event to learn about the Lionbridge translation management platform and how it can benefit you.

How to be Successful with Voice Search

Due to the way users interact with voice, users ask questions rather than doing keyword searches, users expect answers rather than lists of results.

In order to target these results, there are a number of areas you need to consider in order to succeed.

Braving The Waves

Listen to Lionbridge Chief People Officer Ann Lazarus-Barnes for this Women in Localization – Beijing Chapter webinar on Braving the Waves. Ann will speak about finding a mentor that can help you grow your career.

Data Privacy And Your Language Service Provider

There’s a growing number of privacy regulations emerging throughout the United States and the world. If your LSP is out of compliance with your data, so are you.

COVID-19 Accentuates What Marketing Already Should Be Doing

Crises - like the current COVID-19 pandemic – only serve to amplify the importance of the strategies we already knew were vital to successfully connecting with buyers in today’s world. While we chase conversational bots, AI driven marketing, ABM, video-based sales, and other strategies du jour, we are distracted from the basics necessary to reach, connect, and engage with potential & current customers.

Winning with the Fundamentals

Don’t be paralyzed by the environment or distracted. Come join our fireside chat and hear how one team has leaned into the current environment by focusing on the fundamentals and meeting buyers where they are right now.

How Voice Search Is Changing The Customer Experience

As marketers, we need to adapt our business strategies to be visible to digital assistants, make our content easily findable by both voice and text-based searches, and connect with our audiences in a way that will truly resonate—regardless of their country or native language.

Supporting Effective Lawyer-Client Communications in a COVID-19 World

The spread of COVID-19 presents an unprecedented challenge to the legal industry, compelling law firms and legal departments to quickly adapt to remote work environments.

Global Best Practices for Website Localization

Learn how to successfully launch your website into a new market whether it is in Asia or in the west.

Fireside Chat with CMO Jaime Punishill

Join CMO Jaime of Lionbridge as he answers your questions about the importance of working with a language provider with global scale.

Going Global In a Digital World

Going global where do you start? Join Lionbridge and Adobe to hear our story.

Multilingual Customer Service Demo

Over-the-Phone Interpretation & Real Time Chat

Critical Insights for Demonstrating Marketing’s Impact on the Business

Measure marketing impact on outcomes that count. Come join our fireside chat and hear how Lionbridge has transitioned to a data-driven marketing approach and put customers at the forefront of its strategy.