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Gain Complete Control Over Your Localization and Translation Programs Through the Most Advanced Localization Business Analytics

Know exactly where your localization projects stand and generate critical insights for intelligent business decision-making.

Use Analytics to Gain Insights Into Localization Project Status and Business Trends to Successfully Execute Your Localization Programs

Localization is a complex process that involves multiple phases and stages. Stay on top of each delivery and gain information that will fuel your strategic decision-making.

Our platform's analytics delivers the insight you need to control your day-to-day localization operations. Comprehensive reports enable you to see the big picture and identify important trends.

The translation and localization analytics give you an overview of mission-critical Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and work that’s in progress, so you can understand the scale of localization projects that are underway. Intuitive visuals help you spot and troubleshoot issues.

The analytics also helps you become aware of trends and provides strategic oversight for your localization activities. You’ll be able to easily track your localization and translation spend and better understand the ROI of your localization and content investments.

Regain Control of Your Localization Activities and Get Insight on Program Performance

Manage your localization program by accessing our demo environment. Use a data test set to run reports available in our platform and see how it provides clarity and control over localization.

Real-time Transparency for Every Level of Your Organization

We understand how vital it is to have timely and accurate data to flourish in an ever-changing environment. Learn how Lionbridge helps you gain insight into your day-to-day localization initiatives and surfaces long-term trends.

Make intelligent content strategy investments based on data. Many people within your organization will be able to use analytics to enhance their work performance.


Localization Managers and Business Leaders Project Managers Digital Marketing Managers Quality Assurance Managers
Track key performance indicators and trends with robust, real-time reporting. Maintain control and confidence over your localization program. Identify trends and improve your ROI on content and localization. See what’s in progress and identify potential risks to your content flow at-a-glance. Focus your attention where it matters the most, so you can keep projects moving forward and support fast-paced content workflows. Gain insight into your content engine performance. Use highly accurate and real-time data to inform your content strategy. Identify gaps and opportunities to improve your marketing team’s content velocity. Track key quality metrics across your deliverables and languages. Understand where quality might require attention and build improvement plans as challenges arise. Invest in your global brand voice assets to ensure predictable quality.

Localization Managers and Business Leaders

Track key performance indicators and trends with robust, real-time reporting. Maintain control and confidence over your localization program. Identify trends and improve your ROI on content and localization.

Project Managers

See what’s in progress and identify potential risks to your content flow at-a-glance. Focus your attention where it matters the most, so you can keep projects moving forward and support fast-paced content workflows.

Digital Marketing Managers

Gain insight into your content engine performance. Use highly accurate and real-time data to inform your content strategy. Identify gaps and opportunities to improve your marketing team’s content velocity.

Quality Assurance Managers

Track key quality metrics across your deliverables and languages. Understand where quality might require attention and build improvement plans as challenges arise. Invest in your global brand voice assets to ensure predictable quality.

How Analytics Benefit You

Navigate your localization programs and understand their performance.

Machines Are Your Friends: The Future is Now

Ready or not, an AI-powered localization industry is here. While this technological shift makes some people uneasy, we embrace language AI as a profoundly important tool whose benefits are a game-changer:

  • It helps companies meet the growing demand for more content and digital experiences across additional languages.

  • It enables brands to localize everything and connect to their global customers in more ways they ever thought possible.

You will fully capitalize on language AI by using it throughout the entire content journey.

As localization professionals debate AI’s disruption to the industry, Lionbridge leaders challenge you to adopt a new perspective that involves imagining a different future. Learn more in the article cross-posted in the November/December 2021 issue of 

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