Lionbridge Language Quality Services

Always get the translation quality you need

Does Your Project Require:

  • Extra translation quality assurance? 
  • Faster delivery at a high-quality translation level? 
  • Brand voice consistency? 
  • Pristine translation and localization accuracy? 

Choose Lionbridge Language Quality Services (LQS)

Why Choose LQS?

LQS reviewers: 

  • Offer innovative, AI-powered services
  • Are audited regularly to ensure excellence
  • Have experience across multiple domains
  • Adapt to any internal localization platform 
  • Provide tool integration 
  • Bring an agnostic, impartial approach
  • Provide flexible, tailored scope expert resources
  • Ensure seamless integration.
  • Cover terminology services, education, and training.

AI-powered Solutions for Language Quality 

Cut costs and save time with our cutting-edge AI-powered services:

  • API Integration – multiple TMS connectors  
  • Scalable and adjustable workflows
  • Automatic job-routing system dependent on LQA review strategy
  • Real-time quality trend analysis at project level
  • Quality BIs with historical data integration
  • Fully integrated feedback loop
  • Dynamic, automatic sampling based on quality risk models, content profile visibility, cost, and cadence
  • Quality benchmarking for comparative evaluation

Rely on LQS for:

AI-powered Quality Assurance

Cut costs, save time, and utilize innovative AI-powered services to assess your output language quality.

Content Scoring

Define, measure, and benchmark linguistic quality with industry-standard content scoring.

Tracking Quality Trends

Visualize and analyze quality trends with a regularly updated BI dashboard, customized to content and quality thresholds.

Pinpointing Errors

Improve linguistic quality trends by identifying and categorizing errors.

Avoiding Misalignments

Eliminate misalignments between translation and review teams.

Ensuring Continued Quality Improvements

Control and ensure continuous quality improvements, even as:

  • Volumes increase or decrease
  • Content or languages are added
  • Other project life cycle challenges occur



  • Chosen targets
  • Depth
  • Frequency
  • Content in final format
  • Integration into production cycle
  • Via external parties 

Terminology Updates

Select on-demand:

  • Term mining
  • Term base
  • Translation memory clean-up
  • Glossary creation and review
  • Style guide creation and review

Ensuring Optimally Prepared Linguists

  • Anonymously evaluate and benchmark other LSP linguists
  • Provide live or LMS-based linguist trainings of your content
  • Develop custom translation tests

Customizing Your QA

Tailor these to align with your goals:

  • Focus
  • Ratings criteria
  • Volume
  • Frequency

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