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Onboarding Offer Terms and Conditions

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MAY 2020

What is the Guarantee?

Lionbridge is a world leader in localization excellence. We created this accelerated onboarding program to help organizations rapidly scale their new localization program with us and ultimately achieve the highest quality project outcomes with consistent on time delivery. For qualifying assignments, Lionbridge will be ready to accept translation jobs within two business days. We will scale the program beyond your first project within two weeks. And within two months we will have mastered your brand voice and terminology and will deliver each project to your standards and timelines. We call that “optimized localization.” Your teams will be pleased at the ease of bringing on Lionbridge as a new partner and thrilled by the quality, speed, and timeliness of your new localization program. Our guarantee is that your team will be delighted by the ease with which we bring your program to scale, by the consistently high quality of the deliverables, and by the support you receive to optimize your localization process and how well we connect into that process. If, after working with our onboarding team and using our guidelines to optimize your process to achieve a superior localization program, you are still not happy with the quality of the work delivered, we will refund any payments and cancel any outstanding invoices up to $25,000. Certain terms and conditions apply; please see below.

Your Responsibilities

While we guarantee our services, it is still a shared responsibility between both of our organizations. Our process is designed to achieve reliable and consistent delivery of localized content that meets your quality expectations and looks and sounds like your teams produced it themselves. A critical part of this process is your organization’s commitment to follow our recommended process and share or create the necessary assets required for each of the following three stages:

(1) Ready to Accept Jobs:

  • Provide signed quote/SOW and PO (if applicable), with standard Lionbridge Terms & Conditions (or other existing agreement). The execution date of the quote/SOW will be the “Kick-off Date”.
  • Provide key contacts
  • Complete business objectives and goals template
  • Provide source files, output deliverables (formats, compression, etc.) & delivery methods
  • Provide or define any required tools or platforms you wish us to work in
  • Delineate the languages & locales (e.g. Spanish for Spain vs. Spanish for Mexico)
  • Establish your “Client Review” process and representatives (will you have in-country representatives reviewing the translations & who are they?)
  • Define important launch dates / required turnaround times
  • Language Assets (if available)
    • Translation Memories
    • Glossaries
    • Style guides
    • Other reference materials

(2) Ready to Scale:

  • Schedule, attend and engage in an onboarding meeting so we can gather your company requirements and customize our interconnected process
  • Schedule, attend and engage in training on Lionbridge portal
  • Confirm user acceptance of portal, or surface issues for the Lionbridge team to resolve
  • Engage in a minimum of one call per week with a Lionbridge Onboarding Specialist (OS)
  • Escalate any process or deliverable quality issues to your OS
  • If program requires a connector:
    • Connector SOW signed
    • Timely engagement of customer’s systems integrator (SI) for kickoff call, installation and configuration of connector package provided by Lionbridge
    • Timely support of SI for testing in staging environment
  • Mutual confirmation that required language assets are valid & complete
    • If language assets (as listed in ‘Ready To Accept Jobs’) are already available, Lionbridge will assess their completeness and validity
    • Non-complete, non-valid, or non-existent language assets must be augmented or completed. Both customer and Lionbridge will assess and validate all of the assets.

(3) Optimized Localization:

  • Provide written feedback on first project(s)
  • Provide timely feedback on any program related concerns
  • If program requires a connector:
    • Timely support of SI for testing in production environment
    • Completion of both staging and production tests of the Connector with customer written signoff that Connector is fully functional, and projects are flowing
  • Finalize and agree to key performance indicators (KPIs) by end of first business review session
  • First business review was completed

If, after going through this process, you have on-going concerns or issues, we will create a joint action plan to achieve optimization. If after successful completion of the joint action plan you are still not satisfied with your localization program optimization and deliverables, you may request a refund of the amounts you have paid for your initial project, and Lionbridge will provide the refund (or will cancel applicable invoices), up to $25,000. Refunds will be paid within 60 days of your written request.

Offer Terms

Offer expires on 10/31/2020. All refunds must be requested by customer within two months of the Kick-off Date or any refund right is waived. Only available to new customers (customers that haven’t worked with Lionbridge for at least 24 months) or new divisions of existing customers). Only one refund per customer (including affiliates, subsidiaries and divisions). Customer may not use the work product resulting from any services where payment has been refunded under this offer. Offer is valid only for orders placed in the United States or European Economic Area. Offer is valid only for the end-user of the applicable Lionbridge services. Lionbridge services and deliverables may not be resold to any third party. All services will be governed by Lionbridge’s standard Terms and Conditions (unless otherwise agreed in writing by Lionbridge and customer).

Onboarding offer page